Dear Flower Lover,At the age of 16 I started study Dutch Flower Arrangements.
I loved the smell of the flowers, the colors, the shapes and was very eager to learn making bridal bouquets, corsages, hand tied bouquet, church arrangements, funeral arrangements and so on. I was very lucky to have very passionate teachers. Especially technique I love.
Beside the 4 basic designs in the examination there is one free design. I choose a wall decoration, where I made the foundation from wood 1.7 m tall. This Dutch Flower Arrangement course and examination you can take in The Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan by one of the license schools. I have the most beautiful job in the world and still love to challenge myself creating new design, different color combinations and techniques.
If you Love flowers like me, please check out my free shoulder corsage video on our HP. We have 26 DFA videos step by step and 26 textbooks where you can check by yourself the technique and design. Language: English, Japanese and Chinese. The new DFA Blend course will start 6 March 2022. We love to hear from you if you have any question.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love form Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
このダッチフラワーアレンジメントコースは、オランダの他に、日本、韓国、香港、台湾などのライセンス校で受験することができます。 私は自分の仕事が楽しくて誇りを持っています。そして未だに新しいデザインを創り出すこと、カラーコンビネーション、テクニックにチャレンジしています。