Dear Flower LoverShe was so nervous just before her ADFA examination, she wrote me.
As Japanese young florist she moved from Tokyo to Amsterdam, just after she graduated the first step: DFA Dutch Floral Arranger by Dorien Flower Design School.
She couldn’t speak any word of Dutch, only a little bit English. It was very hard in the first 2 years especially the communication/ language to learn in Dutch, but she DID IT!!!!
Kubo san created her own flower business and is working 3 days a week in Den Haag by master florist Ms. Julia Bonte “Bloemen winkel de Iris”. Beside working she challenged the next step Advanced DFA by Elso Post Floral Academy and she wrote me – IK BEN GESLAAGD!!! ( I passed) I am so happy!!! Her big dream is to become a Dutch Master Florist, the next step is ARDFA. Coming 6 months she will focus on her Dutch language. Kubo san is living her dream and I am so proud of her!!! We wish her a lot of success !!! YOU CAN DO IT !! She knows.
PS 1) from Kubo san;
I think that I should have learned ADFA from you in Japan. Language problem was too much for me😂 After I know that I passed, I cried and can’t stop my tears. That was big challenge and I could grow up through ADFA training🍀
PS 2) . What is your dream? Are you enjoying what you are doing ? What little step can you take TODAY to reach to your dream? Sign up for music lesson? take your first flower arrangement lesson? visit a new city? read a great book?
Which little step will lead you closer to your dream life?
You deserve the best and only you can take this little step!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Love to hear from you ❤️.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling Flower Passion Team.🇳🇱🌹
久保さんはオランダで独自のフラワービジネスを起こし、デン・ハーグにあるマスターフローリスト Ms. Julia Bonteのショップ ”Bloemen winkel de Iris”で週に3日働いています。働きながら、Elso Post氏のFloral AcademyでADFAを勉強していました。そして彼女から「合格しました!!」と連絡が入り、私もとっても嬉しいです。
PS 1) 久保さんからのメッセージ
PS 2) あなたの夢は? 毎日楽しく過ごしていますか?毎日の小さな努力が夢へ近づく一歩になる。何か毎日していますか?音楽のレッスンに申し込んだり?はじめてフラワーアレンジメントのレッスンをしたり?新しい街に行ったり?素晴らしい本を読んだり?
画像は久保さんの試験作品 ルームデコレーション