DFA Online Video Lesson
Dear Flower LoverYes our Dorien team did it!!!
I am so grateful!! Now you can study Dutch flower arrangement at your own location.
We launched our ON-LINE video lesson. 26 Dutch Flower Arrangement videos where I demonstrate each arrangement step by step.
Beside the videos you can download your digital textbook. Color photos and illustration step by step how to make it.
You can start today, get your flowers, watch the video, and use your digital textbook on your PC, iPad, iPhone or smart phone.
After finish your arrangement you can check you arrangement according the Technique check list, and Design check list. After completed the arrangements you can get the Dutch Flower Arrangement Certificate by Dorien Flower Design.
I am so excited about this ON-LINE video lesson, what is in Japanese and English. I cannot wait to welcome you to our close FB group where you can ask your questions and post your photos.
Question from my student;
1) Can I download this PDF textbooks only one time? No you can download the PDF files 365 days.
2) Beside downloading the textbooks on my PC can I also watch this on my iPad and iPhone? Yes you can watch on I-pad, I-phone.
3) Do I need the certificate before I participate in the DFA open examination? No, you can join the open DFA examination without the certificate.
4) How long can I see the videos? The videos you can see 365 days any time as much as you like.
Try it out – if this is what you are waited for; FREE Shoulder corsage video https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love Dorien Roling
1) PDFテクストブックのダウンロードは1回のみですか? 1年間365日、何度でもダウンロードしていただけます。
2) PCだけでなく、タブレットやスマートフォンでもテクストブックはダウンロードできますか?見ることができますか? はい、できます。
3) DFAのオープン受験前に、オンラインビデオレッスン修了証が必要ですか? いいえ。修了証がなくてもオープン受験していただけます。
4) ビデオ視聴はどれくらいできますか? 1年間365日見放題です。
オンラインビデオレッスンのうちの1つ ショルダーコサージュの動画がフリーで視聴いただけます。
是非ご視聴ください。 https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp