Flower dreams and DFA diploma!
Dear Flower Lover,What can I do with the Dutch Flower Arrangement diploma in Tokyo ?
Do you love to share your flower passion to your friends and future students?
Are you dreaming to become a flower instructor?
Flowers in your room gives you a peaceful, happy feeling, especially when you come home from a busy day at work.
Creating beautiful flower arrangements is like nutrition for your soul.
This feeling you want your friends also to experience. Flower Power is so essential for releasing your stress and enjoy the flower power.
When you have the title: Dutch Floral Arranger you can become a Bloemist License Instructor.
Last Sunday we celebrate the 1st anniversary with 11 Bloemist License Instructors in front of Tokyo station (same architecture as Amsterdam central station). On the table we displayed 12 beautiful flower cone in Christmas colors, and wear a flower wristlet. A great way to come together and discus the arrangements with a question and answer session while enjoying delicious food.
You can have a license as well and start teaching with you DFA diploma.
Why you don’t start DFA with the online video lesson step by step tutorials with text 📚 books. Prepare yourself for the examination in 2023.
See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) Have a look in the Bloemist License textbook with 16 beautiful design step by step and full color book – order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop
DFAはオンラインビデオレッスンで学ぶことができます。step by stepのテキストブックもついています。2023年のDFA試験に向けて準備が始められます。 See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) ブルーミストライセンセうテキストブック:16デザインの作り方掲載、フルカラーブックです。ドリーンフラワーデザイン オンラインショップで購入できます。
order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop