Flower Power from Tokyo to Amsterdam
Dear Flower Lover,There are 3 things I can make my mother happy with, especially now that I can not visit her.
1) Video calling.
2) Sending her beautiful fresh flowers.
3) Sending her many beautiful Flower Design Postcards.
Mama Ria love to send cards and love receive them. In the Netherlands 🇳🇱 birthdays are important, and now with the lockdown we send flowers and cards.
On the photo: I am recycling my calendar photos fixing them on a color card for my mother. Now under the way ✈️from Tokyo to Amsterdam! Sharing the Flower Power Wave!
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the 🌹Flower Power Wave.
Great love to You from Dorien Roling Flower Power Team!
1) ビデオ電話
2) お花を贈る
3) フラワーデザインのポストカードをたくさん贈ること