2nd Edition of the Bloemist License Text book arrived!!!
Dear Flower LoverThe second edition of our Bloemist License text book was just delivered!!
We are working on an ONLINE shop (BASE) so that you can buy the Bloemist Book in Japan and worldwide.
Every day we make little steps to share our flower power.
With sharing the Flower Power Wave we are creating happy feelings, smiling faces and warm hearts.
Together with 12 Bloemist Licensed Instructors we are going to start this spring teaching Dutch Flower Arrangement.
If you cannot wait till our online shop is open to get the book please send us an email info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp. Thank you very much!!
And you know it….we are here for you every day with fresh flower power energy:
Dorien Flower Design YouTube channel every Thursday.
ps 1) Do your friend need some Flower Power? Please share our sns addresses with them to create to make them happy and Smiles!
ps 2) New: Single video purchase is available!!! Selection from 26 Dutch Flower Arrangement video lesson step by step. https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp/online_video
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave
Great Love for you, from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling
Dorien Flower Design YouTube channel 毎週木曜日に新しいチュートリアルをアップしています.
ps 1) お友達にフラワーパワーが必要な方がいたら、SNS アドレスをシェアしてください。スマイルになるかも
ps 2) New!! DFAオンラインビデオレッスン、1レッスン毎の購入が可能になりました!!DFAの課題の中から選んだ26レッスンのわかりやすいビデオレッスンです。こちらからご購入できます →★
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave