I fell in love with “Teddy Bear”
Dear Flower Lover(英文の下に日本語訳あり) I just fell in love with “Teddy Bear” at the Flower Auction market in Tokyo.
My heart is going crazy, still after 47 years active in the flower world – bought these mini double petal Helianthus (sunflowers) and did a spontaneous Instagram live.
Have a look, I am curious if you also fall in love with this “Teddy Bear” flower bouquet?
“Whaaaaa Kawaiii” was the reaction of the instructors when they saw the flower bouquet.
Recently I started going to the gym, “where I go flowers go”, I made a small bouquet from the leftover flowers of the Bloemist lesson.
When I do my work-out and almost like to give up I look at the flowers which gives me the power to continue – “I CAN DO IT”!
One Big Smile on my mother’s face when I came into her room with a huge flower bouquet.
I visited her after 4 years again in the Netherlands. Besides my presence, flowers make her smile and forget all her sorrows.
This gave me a nice feeling, mama Ria is enjoying the flower power for many days and all the nurses and friends who come in her room.
Flowers create positive vibes, brighten you up.
Flowers rise your energy, feeling better, feeling happy.
Learning new things, new skills stimulate your happy hormones: Imagine you can make a bouquet for your best friend’s wedding.
Going to a party with your own created floral bracelet!! How cool is that!
Learning new skills for life.
Which of the 16 designs do you like to learn – click here — for the images of the Bloemist License course.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave.
Have a nice summer holiday.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
花の世界に入って47年間ですが、この花に夢中になり – ミニミニサイズの八重咲のヒマワリを買い、インスタライブで束ねました。
自分で作ったお花のブレスレットでパーティーに出かけよう!! これまた素敵ですよね!
16 のデザインのうちどれを学んでみたいですか? – ここをクリック — ブルーミスト ライセンス コースのカリキュラムをご覧ください。初心者の方向けのレッスンです。
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.