Warm Christmas Flower Night in Berrick hall
Dear Flower LoverYes it was a great party 16 December meeting
my first students from 1990 in De Master Flower
School again and our DFA and ADFA students and
total new people for me.
I enjoyed giving the demonstration with
live Christmas piano 🎹 🎶 music,
and my new star Akari chan as assistance.
The catering was delicious as well the cake 🍰 🎂.
Our first flower power bingo was fun all the
presents 🎁 where gone in no time.
All students who participate in our event got
our first best selection Desktop Calendar 2018
that will give them flower power for 365 days!!
We will share the photos from our camera man as soon
we reseive them.
Special thanks to you for joining our party,
for all students who join our exposition and doing
a great maintenance job!!! I am proud of you all !!!
Let’s keep sharing our passion for flowers with
our friends and family to make you and them happy.
Enjoy your moment relax and keep smiling.
Love Dorien Roling & Atsuko Hata and Dorien team.