Welcome Christmas – 7 steps creating a new design / ウェルカムクリスマスー新しいデザインを作るまでの7ステップ
Dear flower lover,Welcome Christmas design for my Trendy workshop last weekend.
You and me are so lucky to be able to create with fresh flowers.
My 7 steps creating a new design:
Step 1) Imagine: where you like to decorate on the wall or table.., colors, shape, and start make drawings.
Sept 2) Go shopping to collect all the materials. Frame, Christmas goods etc..
Step 3) Early in the morning go to the flower auction market, select beautiful flowers and check the color combinations, so fun with so many choices!
Step 4)Remove all the leafs till the water level, cut 5 cm. and place in clean water with cut flower food.
Step 5) Put all the materials around me on the clean table.
Step 6) Connect with my inner self, relax, feel free and focus focus focus with smile.
Step 7) Start designing in clear day light not direct sunlight. And with peaceful music on the background.
And for me eat some kaki fruit and drink chamomile tea between. Your total state of being is at peace. With a hungry stomach I can’t focus.
When I start designing I am in a kind of state….no thinking but creating, and that feels so nice!!!!!
This design in the frame gives me a kind of safe feeling. The horizontal lines is a imagination of the Netherlands (We have no mountains). The Christmas stars are all over and moving all around us.
If I feel YES after complete the design then all is happy. Time for photo shooting.
I hope you feel inspired and will also will make a Christmas design in a frame, love to see yours.
Great love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
日曜日のトレンディーワークショップのデザイン、Welcome Christmas。
Step 1) イメージする:壁に飾りたいのかテーブルに置きたいのか…色や形を絵に書いてみる。
Step 2) 材料の調達、フレーム、クリスマスグッズなど。
Step 3) 早朝花市場でお花を選ぶ。色の組み合わせなどを選ぶとき、チョイスがたくさんあってすごく楽しいです。
Step 4) 買ってきたお花の水揚げ。葉の処理をして、5cmくらいカット、フラワーフードを入れた清潔な水にいれ、冷暗所にお花をおきます。
Step 5) 作業テーブルに材料をすべておきます。
Step 6) リラックスする、頭をからにする、スマイルを忘れずに、自分自身に問いかける。
Step 7) 好きな音楽をききながら、直射日光をさけ、デイライトの下で制作スタート。