ディプロマ Bloemist License(7件中 / 7件)
I fell in love with “Teddy Bear”
Dear Flower Lover(英文の下に日本語訳あり) I just fell in love with “Teddy Bear” at the Flower Auction market in Tokyo.
My heart is going crazy, still after 47 years active in the flower world – bought these mini double petal Helianthus (sunflowers) and did a spontaneous Instagram live.
Have a look, I am curious if you also fall in love with this “Teddy Bear” flower bouquet?
“Whaaaaa Kawaiii” was the reaction of the instructors when they saw the flower bouquet.
Recently I started going to the gym, “where I go flowers go”, I made a small bouquet from the leftover flowers of the Bloemist lesson.
When I do my work-out and almost like to give up I look at the flowers which gives me the power to continue – “I CAN DO IT”!
One Big Smile on my mother’s face when I came into her room with a huge flower bouquet.
I visited her after 4 years again in the Netherlands. Besides my presence, flowers make her smile and forget all her sorrows.
This gave me a nice feeling, mama Ria is enjoying the flower power for many days and all the nurses and friends who come in her room.
Flowers create positive vibes, brighten you up.
Flowers rise your energy, feeling better, feeling happy.
Learning new things, new skills stimulate your happy hormones: Imagine you can make a bouquet for your best friend’s wedding.
Going to a party with your own created floral bracelet!! How cool is that!
Learning new skills for life.
Which of the 16 designs do you like to learn – click here — for the images of the Bloemist License course.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave.
Have a nice summer holiday.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
花の世界に入って47年間ですが、この花に夢中になり – ミニミニサイズの八重咲のヒマワリを買い、インスタライブで束ねました。
自分で作ったお花のブレスレットでパーティーに出かけよう!! これまた素敵ですよね!
16 のデザインのうちどれを学んでみたいですか? – ここをクリック — ブルーミスト ライセンス コースのカリキュラムをご覧ください。初心者の方向けのレッスンです。
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.

Christmas 🎄 Floral Cone
Dear Flower LoverYou love to celebration Christmas with a nice dinner in your house.
Decorate a beautiful Christmas Floral Cone on the dinner table.
This year you like to make a Christmas Floral Cone with mainly fresh materials.
You wonder how and what kind of fresh green and flowers are suitable?
What kind of dish, how to fix the floral foam, how to create a elegant shape cone?
All this questions and more you can find in our new BLOEMIST LICENSE TEXTBOOK 📕.
Full color and step by step. With the material lists and important points to create your most beautiful Christmas Flower Cone for Christmas 🎄 2021
Great love to you from Dorien Flower Design Team: Atsuko Hata & Dorien Roling.
Ps 1) please go to Dorien Flower Design Online Shop
Ps 2) On December 18 you can join the Bloemist License Lesson in our atelier. Please apply by info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp
このような質問は、ブルーミストライセンステキストブックをご覧いただければ、すべてわかっちゃいます。フルカラーでstep by stepの写真もあります。そして、材料リストや、どんなことに気をつければ良いのかもすべて載っています。2021年のクリスマスは、是非クリスマスフローラルコーンを作ってみてください。
Great love to you from Dorien Flower Design Team: Atsuko Hata & Dorien Roling.
ps1) ブルーミストライセンス テキストブックは、ドリーンフラワーデザインオンラインショップで購入できます。
ps2) 12月18日(土)アトリエでフローラルコーンのレッスンを行います。お申し込みお問い合わせは、info@dorien-flowerdesign.jpまでお気軽にどうぞ。

Flower dreams and DFA diploma!
Dear Flower Lover,What can I do with the Dutch Flower Arrangement diploma in Tokyo ?
Do you love to share your flower passion to your friends and future students?
Are you dreaming to become a flower instructor?
Flowers in your room gives you a peaceful, happy feeling, especially when you come home from a busy day at work.
Creating beautiful flower arrangements is like nutrition for your soul.
This feeling you want your friends also to experience. Flower Power is so essential for releasing your stress and enjoy the flower power.
When you have the title: Dutch Floral Arranger you can become a Bloemist License Instructor.
Last Sunday we celebrate the 1st anniversary with 11 Bloemist License Instructors in front of Tokyo station (same architecture as Amsterdam central station). On the table we displayed 12 beautiful flower cone in Christmas colors, and wear a flower wristlet. A great way to come together and discus the arrangements with a question and answer session while enjoying delicious food.
You can have a license as well and start teaching with you DFA diploma.
Why you don’t start DFA with the online video lesson step by step tutorials with text 📚 books. Prepare yourself for the examination in 2023.
See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) Have a look in the Bloemist License textbook with 16 beautiful design step by step and full color book – order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop
DFAはオンラインビデオレッスンで学ぶことができます。step by stepのテキストブックもついています。2023年のDFA試験に向けて準備が始められます。 See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) ブルーミストライセンセうテキストブック:16デザインの作り方掲載、フルカラーブックです。ドリーンフラワーデザイン オンラインショップで購入できます。
order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop

Wreaths, Wreaths and Wreaths.
Dear Flower Lover,Wreaths, Wreaths and Wreaths I love wreaths especially with Christmas on my door.
Here 3 different wreaths and their foundation.
1) Wreaths hanging on the door: made from straw, natural vines or iron rings.
2) Wreaths for on the table: in a ceramic wreath, floral foam, iron ring, natural branches.
3) Wreaths hanging from the ceiling: foundation made of straw, iron ring, natural branches.
Christmas table wreaths with candles are very nice to display on the table. In the Netherlands we love to lit candles especially when it is dark and cold outside.
Christmas wreath with 4 big candles hanging from the ceiling is used in the Catholic churches. A candle is lit on each of the four Sundays preceding Christmas, 28 November, 5,12,19 December. Christmas day all candles are lighted again to celebrate Christmas.
Which Wreath do you love to make? Please let me know.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
Ps 1) In the Netherlands we don’t have mountains – no earth quicks so it’s safe to use candles.
Ps 2) Please watch our YouTube Channel for flower power inspiration.
1) ドアに飾るリース: 藁の土台、つる、アイアンリングなど
2) テーブルリース: 陶器のリースベース、フローラルフォーム、アイアンリング、つるや枝など
3) 天井から吊るすリース:藁の土台、アイアンリング、つるや枝など
ドリーンフラワーデザインのクリスマスリースレッスンは12/4 (sat) 10:00-12:00です。残席1となっております。お早めのお申し込みお待ちしています。(画像はイメージです)
Ps 1) オランダには山がありません。だから地震もないのでキャンドルを灯しても大丈夫。
Ps 2) フラワーパワーインスピレーションのために、ドリーンフラワーデザインYouTubeチャンネルをご覧ください!
Dorien Flower Design YouTube Channel

2nd Edition of the Bloemist License Text book arrived!!!
Dear Flower LoverThe second edition of our Bloemist License text book was just delivered!!
We are working on an ONLINE shop (BASE) so that you can buy the Bloemist Book in Japan and worldwide.
Every day we make little steps to share our flower power.
With sharing the Flower Power Wave we are creating happy feelings, smiling faces and warm hearts.
Together with 12 Bloemist Licensed Instructors we are going to start this spring teaching Dutch Flower Arrangement.
If you cannot wait till our online shop is open to get the book please send us an email info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp. Thank you very much!!
And you know it….we are here for you every day with fresh flower power energy:
Dorien Flower Design YouTube channel every Thursday.
ps 1) Do your friend need some Flower Power? Please share our sns addresses with them to create to make them happy and Smiles!
ps 2) New: Single video purchase is available!!! Selection from 26 Dutch Flower Arrangement video lesson step by step. https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp/online_video
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave
Great Love for you, from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling
Dorien Flower Design YouTube channel 毎週木曜日に新しいチュートリアルをアップしています.
ps 1) お友達にフラワーパワーが必要な方がいたら、SNS アドレスをシェアしてください。スマイルになるかも
ps 2) New!! DFAオンラインビデオレッスン、1レッスン毎の購入が可能になりました!!DFAの課題の中から選んだ26レッスンのわかりやすいビデオレッスンです。こちらからご購入できます →★
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave

The Bloemist License text book
Dear Flower LoverThe Bloemist Diploma text book was launched during the Bloemist Licensed Diploma party on 15 November last year.
We created this 16 Beautiful Dutch Flower Arrangement step by step in full color book for beginners who love flowers and like to learn the basic technique, like hand tied bouquet, bridal bouquet, corsage, flower cake, garden style etc. Enjoying the Flower Power Wave movement. My dream to make the whole world SMILE via the Flower Power Wave. I cannot do this only by myself, so that’s why we created the Bloemist Licensed Instructor course and 12 teachers are going to start this spring!! How wonderful this is!!! Sharing the Flower Power Wave to make me, You and the whole world Smile!!!
At the Dutch Flower Arranger Diploma ceremony in the residence of the ambassador in Tokyo 10 December last year, I handed one copy to our Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Mr. Peter van der Vliet and Dr. Evert- Jan Krajenbrink Agriculture Counsellor. They were delighted and wishes us success with sharing this beautiful Dutch Flower Arrangement with the Japanese people.
We are selling the Bloemist book only in Japan Y 3,080 incl. tax + sending fee Y500 and Europe 25 euro + 7 euro sending fee.
The first edition sold out, the second edition is coming soon. To order please send us an email info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp. Thank you very much!!
And you know it….we are here for you every day with fresh flower power energy: https://instagram.com/dorienflowerdesign/
http://www.youtube.com/DorienFlowerDesign every Thursday.
ps 1) Do your friend need some Flower Power? Please share our sns addresses with them to create Smiles!
ps 2) Do you like to study more and grate up your skills as a professional florist? Then the New DFA Blend course is for you online 26 video lesson and lesson in our Yokohama atelier. Please send us an email for 1) free online meeting/lecture and feel if this is your dream 2) Join our Open DFA lesson day in our Yokohama Atelier, February 28. E-mail; info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave
Great Love for you, from Dorien Roling
このテキストブックはお花が好きで、フラワーアレンジメントのベーシックテクニックを勉強したい初心者の方用に、ダッチフラワーアレンジメントのstep by stepとフルカラー写真でわかりやすいテキストブックです。ハンドタイドブーケ、ブライダルブーケ、コサージュ、フラワーケーキ、ガーデンスタイルなど16アレンジが掲載されています。
昨年12月10日にオランダ大使館大使公邸にて行われたダッチフラワーアレンジャーディプロマ授与式で、Peter van der Vliet駐日オランダ大使とEvert Jan Krajenbrink農務参事官にブルーミストライセンステキストブックを贈呈させて頂きました。
¥3,080(税込)+送料手数料¥500 ヨーロッパ Europe 25 euro + 7 euro sending fee.
初版は完売しております。第二版は準備中です。ご希望の方はemail info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp. までお問い合わせください。
Thank you very much!!
And you know it….we are here for you every day with fresh flower power energy: https://instagram.com/dorienflowerdesign/
http://www.youtube.com/DorienFlowerDesign every Thursday.
ps 1) お友達にフラワーパワーが必要な方がいたら、SNS アドレスをシェアしてください。スマイルになるかも
ps 2) プロフェッショナルフローリストとしてスキルアップしたい、もっと勉強したいと考えていたら、DFAブレンドコースをお勧めします。 オンラインビデオレッスン26レッスンと横浜アトリエでのレッスンのブレンドコースです。1)これがあなたの夢に近いものなのかを知っていただくためのフリーオンラインミーティング/レクチャーの申し込み 2) 2/28(sun)横浜アトリエにて開催のDFAオープンレッスンの申し込み のために、E-mail; info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp. までお問い合わせください
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave

The first Bloemist License Instructors
Dear Flower LoverThe year of the cow 2021 is started, new ideas, new me, new you, every day we can created new designs and make new choices I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
We are very proud of our 9 new BLOEMSIT LICENSED INSTRUCTORS they passed the first examination last October.
The Bloemist Licensed Instructors are going to start teaching in their location from spring 2021.
Jimbo Sayuri sensei,
Katsumata Naoko sensei,
Kawabata Fumie sensei,
Kobayashi Junko sensei,
Matsubara Tomoko sensei,
Kumabe Tamae sensei,
Sakuragi Yoshie sensei,
Schalkwijk Kazumi sensei,
Shibuya Atsumi sensei.
And our Dorien Flower Design DFA member schools:
Kato Keiko sensei,
Miyashita Ayako sensei
and Dorien Flower Design teacher Atsuko Hata sensei.
Total 12 teacher!!!! So great to share the Flower Power Wave to make people smile, happy and warm their heart.
And you know it….we are here for you every day with fresh flower power energy:
http://www.youtube.com/DorienFlowerDesign every Thursday.
ps 1) Please share our sns addresses with your friends who may also need some flower power?
ps 2) Bloemist lesson date at Dorien Flower Design Yokohama atelier; 27 February, Garden Style arrangement. For reservations please email to; E-mail; info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp
ps 3) Soon our HP will be updated with all the links to the Bloemist Licensed Instructors, 12 location in Japan. Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave
Great Love for you, from Dorien Roling
http://www.youtube.com/DorienFlowerDesign every Thursday.
ps 1) SNSアドレスをお友達やフラワーパワーを必要としている知り合いにシェアしてください。
ps 2) ドリーンフラワーデザインのブルーミストレッスンは、2月27日(土)に横浜アトリエで行います。ガーデンスタイルのバスケットアレンジメントです。お申し込みお問い合わせは info@dorien-flower-design.jpまでお願いします。
ps 3) HP を近日中に更新し、ブルーミストライセンスインストラクターの所在地を公開予定です。
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power Wave