ドリーンのお気に入り(54件中 / 10件)
アトリエメンテナンス ペンキ塗り終了!
Dear Flower Loverこんにちは。

Atelier maintenance
Dear Flower LoverBeside my passion of creating beautiful flower designs, I love painting our atelier in and outside.
Last week we did work on the deck and I got a bigger working deck so happy!!! Together with our team all is set now for the final painting. What color the deck will get is still pending – Royal blue is attempting but natural kiwi golden brow will give a overall peaceful image……. which color you prefer?
1) Royal Blue ( from the Dutch flag 🇳🇱
2) Golden brown kiwi color ( 黄土色 )
Together with our students we will paint the decks, benches, chairs, garages, many hands make light work and they love it too!! Now fingers crossed for nice weather. It’s still a great season to work outside. Not too hot, no mosquitoes yet!!!
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
1) ロイヤルブルー(オランダ国旗のブルー)
2) ゴールデンブラウン キウィカラー(黄土色)

Dear Flower Lover先週、駐日オランダ大使館のチューリップ鑑賞に招待されたドリーン先生、たくさん写真を撮影してきてくれました。
ご覧になりましたか? 来年は合格者の皆さんとチューリップシーズンにディプロマ授与式ができることを祈っています。

Instagram Reels and Story
Dear Flower LoverWhen I am not so “Genki” walking around my house and focus on all the flowers and trees what just start blooming gives me a lot of energy and my mood becomes better.
And I am now also looking forwards to our INSTAGRAM REELS and STORY where Atsuko Hata sensei publish every day a short 15 sec. Flower arrangement with music video.
This is so fun and up-lifting. Please have a look 👀 and let me know what you think.
Click on my profile photo left up on our top page and you can see STORY, REELS are on our top page, enjoy the flowers with music.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling
Dorien Flower Design Instagram

How more you give how more you get
Dear Flower LoverMy Dutch Flower friend asked me the other day why I use so much time and effort every week to publish on YouTube? Good questions because it cost a lot of energy and discipline.
We started 30 April 2020 and on 25 February 2021 we published our 45th video. Flower Power also online makes the people happy, you can feel the flower power. Then I recall my teacher Aoyama Shundo sensei seeing “How more you give how more you get”. I will continue sharing my flower passion as much as I can for you and me❤️
Great love to you from Atsuko Hata & Dorien Roling
Dorien Flower Design YouTube Channel

Plum Blossoms Opens Spring
Dear Flower Lover“Plum Blossom Opens Spring”
from my teacher Aoyama Shindo sensei.
I could enjoy the unbelievable nice fragrance from the full blooming plum trees. If you see one tree you will find many more. What a gift from Mother Nature, fully recharged I came home after my daily 10.000 steps walk. Gratitude 🙏 Flower Power, and beautiful weather.
Thank you very much for reading our “Flower Note”.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great love ❤️ to you from Dorien Roling
梅、早春を開く 尊敬する青山俊董先生の言葉です。
フラワーノート ご覧いただいてありがとうございます。

Flower Power from Tokyo to Amsterdam
Dear Flower Lover,There are 3 things I can make my mother happy with, especially now that I can not visit her.
1) Video calling.
2) Sending her beautiful fresh flowers.
3) Sending her many beautiful Flower Design Postcards.
Mama Ria love to send cards and love receive them. In the Netherlands 🇳🇱 birthdays are important, and now with the lockdown we send flowers and cards.
On the photo: I am recycling my calendar photos fixing them on a color card for my mother. Now under the way ✈️from Tokyo to Amsterdam! Sharing the Flower Power Wave!
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the 🌹Flower Power Wave.
Great love to You from Dorien Roling Flower Power Team!
1) ビデオ電話
2) お花を贈る
3) フラワーデザインのポストカードをたくさん贈ること

Less Suffering with Fresh Flowers?
Dear Flower LoverWe hope you and your loved ones are safe and genki.
Changing channel, focus on the positive things, doing my best. Watering my positive seeds and of all people around me.
The world where 360.000 Babies are Born Each Day – NEW Life, New Energy on Mother Earth is changing in a better more beautiful clean world. Let’s focus on what we can do. For me; touching flowers, feeling flowers, smelling flowers, hearing flowers, creating flower arrangements result in Less Suffering – It makes me happy to focus on fresh flowers, especially now in the Corona pandemic.
I am so happy to be able to share my flower passion, and pass the baton on too all the BLOEMIST LICENSE INSTRUCTORS to do the same, teaching their families, friends and students. Giving them a happy flower power feeling.
Do you need a break with Fresh Flower Power and homemade Luncheon in our wooden safe atelier?
Trendy Workshop will start again on September 20th with 6 students. The designs have been updated due the total different trend today.
September 20th Door open 9;30 start 10;00 till 16;00
A) Flower Powered Cylinder eco design with beautiful fresh flowers.
B) Mother Nature Object with wooden birds.
Your investment Y 30.000 inclusive all materials, teaching, luncheon, refreshments. First come first serve for 6 students. E-mail; info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp
# BLOEMIST LICENSE New text book – will be launched this autumn 2020!!
# Atelier got a refreshed image, all tables painted & coated & New Flooring!!
# YouTube Dorien Flower Design Every Thursday a new tutorial. I became a “YouTuber” and I Love it!!
Please subscribe to Dorien Flower Design YouTube channel, and on Instagram & FB hoping that this will help you a little bit in this difficult time. Will you please share this with your friends who may also love the flower power?
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Great Love for you, from Dorien Roling
リニューアルしたアトリエで、美味しいランチとフレッシュフラワーパワーを楽しんでみませんか?9月20日からTrendy Workshopはじまります。
9月20日(日)10:00 -16:00
A) フレッシュフラワーを使ったフラワーパワーあふれるシリンダーエコデザイン
B) 木のぬくもりのある鳥を使ったマザーネイチャーオブジェクト
受講料:¥30,000 花材費、資材費、ランチ込みです。定員は6名。定員になり次第締め切ります。E-mail: info@dorien-flowerdesign.jpまでお申し込みください。
# ブルーミストライセンス Newテキストブック2020年秋刊行!! # アトリエをリフレッシュしました。テーブルはすべてペンキ塗り直しして、フロアも新しく貼り直しました! # ドリーンフラワーデザインYouTubeチャンネルでは毎週木曜日に新しいビデオをアップしています。”YouTuber”デビューです。楽しいよ。
ドリーンフラワーデザインYoutubeチャンネル、Instagram, Facebookをフォローしてくださいね。心配ばかりのこの時期に、ちょっとだけフラワーパワーをお届けしています。みなさんにお友達や大事な人にも是非シェアしてください。

One Little Step
Dear Flower Lover,How are you?
“Live Streaming” working from Home, talking with mama Ria, my family and friends in the Netherlands is now a daily activity.
The Question today is;
What kind of little step can you take every day what make you happy, stress out, reach your goal and learning new things?
Let me share my daily little steps for April;
1. Bloemist New text book – write text for each lesson 1-16
2. Live Streaming with our ADFA students.
3. Paint the atelier inside, (all tables I just did)!!!
4. Installed a new app for tracking my migraines. Learning new things and I am not alone on this platform 2 mill. Patients!!!
5. Spent 2 hours alone time out door, in the park, bicycling beside the river, walking near my house.
What can makes you happy right now? What do you like to learn? Are you claiming your Alone Time? Taking care of yourself is essential!!
Body – Mind and Spirit much be in good balance!! Only then we can be nice to others too.
Especially for you; we are posting everyday beautiful Flower Power Design on Instagram & FB hoping that this will help you a little bit in this difficult time. Please feel free to share this with your friends who may also love the flower power.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love 💕 Dorien Röling Flower Power Team 🌷🌹❤️
自宅での仕事、オランダにいるママ リア、家族、友達とのおしゃべりのライブストリーミングは日常の一部となりました。
私が4月にやりたい&毎日やっているちょっとしたことを教えちゃいます。 1. ブルーミストコースのテキストブックーレッスン1〜16までのテキストを書く
2. ADFAの生徒さんとのライブストリーミング
3. アトリエのペンキ(テーブルはもうやったよ!)
4. 私の偏頭痛を管理する新しいアプリをインストールしたら、そのプラットフォームには偏頭痛で悩んでる人がが200万人もいた!
5. 公園でのフリータイム、川沿いの道のサイクリング、うちの周りの散歩
みなさんに届くように; 毎日FacebookとInstagramに美しいフラワーパワーデザインをアップしています。今の状況の中、少しでも皆さんの癒しになりますように。

Tools 1.
Dear Flower LoverGood tools are essential and a pleasure for us professional Flower Designers to use;
1) Wire cutter
Especially used for cutting a bunch of wires while making a bridal bouquet wire technique.
Point: Cut the wire handle on the preferable length while making the bouquet- this makes it easier to cut the thick wires.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love 💕 Dorien Röling Flower Power Team🌹🇳🇱❤️