DFA Examination & DFA Open Lesson
Dear Flower Lover河津桜, 河津桜, 河津桜 beautiful河津桜!!!
Do you also love 河津桜 so much? 梅の花の香りも大好きですよね。
I can’t stop taking photos of this beautiful nature flower explosion. 元気Flower Power!!
The new graduate Dutch Flower Arrangers where very very happy with passing the DFA examination last month.
Yes already for 25 Years;
You can study Dutch Flower Arrangement in Japan &
Yes you can take the international DFA examination in Tokyo or Amsterdam, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto 😉 &
Yes you can start today with the brand new ON-LINE lesson &
Yes we are going to celebrate this success with all the brand new Dutch Floral Designers & celebrate our 25 th anniversary at the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo this April enjoying the Tulips in full bloom.
Do your like to learn the best technique and beautiful Dutch Flower Arrangement is this what you are dreaming off?
Welcome to join our Open lesson day DFA Dutch Flower Arrangement in our atelier in Yokohama.
I love teaching and meeting you, come a feel, see and smell if this is what makes you happy!
Dates open lesson below;
オープンレッスン DFA 2019;
1日―2レッスン 10;00 – 16;00
• March 23 Saturday
• May 19 Sunday
• June 6 Sunday
• July 7 Sunday
• September 22 Sunday
• October 12 Saturday
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling
東京、アムステルダム、大阪、神戸、京都でオランダの国際ライセンス DFAを受験できます。
1日2レッスン 10::00 – 16:00 3/23 (土)
5/19 (日)
6/6 (日)
7/7 (日)
9/22 (日)