ディプロマ DFA1(40件中 / 10件)
Top Sporters in Flower Arrangements
Dear Flower LoverPractice, practice and practice.
It’s top sport making a vase arrangement and funeral arrangements in 75 minutes.
The students participating in the DFA examination did shows their skills.
What a great Satisfaction – happy feeling they passed their first part of the professional Dutch Flower Arrangement examination.
It’s all about enjoying learning and practice, practice & practice.
We just started learning playing the hand pan, so fun and big challenge to get a beautiful sound out of it!!! Practice every day 15 minutes feels good.
I love creating new flower design and love to relax playing with the hand pan.
What are you enjoy learning?
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great love Hata & Dorien.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great love Hata & Dorien.

What is their next step after graduate DFA / ADFA
Dear Flower LoversDreams came true!!!
Diploma ceremony at the Netherlands embassy in Tokyo.
But what is their next step after graduate?
Dutch Floral Arranger DFA:
M san studied mainly from the DFA online tutorials and took special examination lesson at the atelier.
Her next step is working professionally in the flowers again after her child is a bit older.
Advanced Dutch Floral Designer ADFA:
M san is going to open her flower shop online.
A san just had her first flower shop mother day sales experience with great success.
Y san is planning to start teaching Bloemist License Flower lesson in her flower shop.
G san like to keep creating flower design trendy workshop in the Atelier for relaxation after her high responsible office job.
S san, is joining the Trendy lesson and requested one more high level class to stimulate their creativity. In the near future she like to offer Bloemist license classes.
F san will take a rest after obtain her ADFA diploma.
K san, is planning to teach Bloemist lesson in her house.
Students where so happy to receive their official diploma at The Netherlands embassy from Mrs. Denise Lutz Agriculture Counsellor on 17 may 2022.
I am so proud of all the students who worked and practice so much the last 2 years.
Mさん オンラインビデオレッスンをメインに、試験直前トレーニングを受講しました。お子さんがもう少し大きくなったら、お花の仕事戻ること。
Mさん オンラインショップを立ち上げる準備中です。
Aさん 合格後の初めての母の日、彼女のショップは大盛況でした。
Yさん 経営するフラワーショップでのブルーミストライセンスレッスンを始める予定です。
Gさん 責任のある仕事をまかされている毎日、アトリエのトレンディワークショップでフラワーデザインをつくることで、リラックスできるそうです。
Sさん いつもトレンディワークショップに参加している彼女からのリクエストは、クリエイティビティを向上するためのクラス。将来的にはブルーミストライセンスレッスンもはじめたいとか。
Fさん ADFAディプロマを取得できたので、しばらくゆっくりしたい。
Kさん ブルーミストライセンスレッスンを自宅ではじめたいと考え中。
2022.5.17 オランダ大使館 デニーズ・ルッツ農務参事官よりディプロマを授与され、みなさん本当に嬉しそうでした。

Ambassador’s Residence Public Tulip Garden Viewing
Dear Flower Lover,Are you free coming Friday 8 or Sunday 10 April? Do you love Tulips 🌷?
The Netherlands 🇳🇱 is famous for their Tulips 🌷 especially “Keukenhof” the biggest Tulip garden in the world. But you don’t need fly ✈️ to enjoy beautiful Tulips 🌷.
The Netherlands 🇳🇱 embassy in Tokyo, hold a Public Tulip garden viewing.
I was invited last Monday, the residents was also beautiful with fresh Tulips displayed in every room.
I am sure you will enjoy the garden and the residents of the Dutch ambassador Peter van der Vliet filled with beautiful interior designed by Dutch artists.
Please be sure to check the website before going.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Tulips Flower Power.
Love to hear from you after your visit.
Great love from Dorien Flower Design Team: Atsuko Hata & Dorien Röling.
今週4/8(FRI)か4/10(SUN)時間ありますか? チューリップ好きですか?
オランダのアーティストによるインテリアで、Peter van der Vliet大使公邸は本当に素敵です。

Do You Love Your Job?
Dear Flower Lover,Can I ask you one question?
Do you love your job?
Do you feel excited and happy working?
If you answer is NO ☹️
than I have one more question to you ;
Do you love Flowers?🌷🌺🌼🌸🌻🌹🌷
IF YES – 😍
then I invite YOU to our DFA free online Seminar.
Become a professional Dutch Floral Arranger!!! Your “Dream Come True” !!
Coming Sunday 20 March from 10:30 to 12:00 a free online DFA Seminar & LIVE Flower Demonstration by master floral designer Dorien Roling.
What you can do after you graduate and become a Dutch Floral Arranger?
1) Working in a Flower Shop, easy to get a job with your professional flower design skills and your portfolio.
2) Teaching Flower Arrangement, becoming a Bloemist License Diploma Instructor.
3) Open your own flower shop, flower atelier or flower cafe.
4) Free lance designer, for flower events, weddings and demonstrations.
5) Go for a Master in Floral Design in the Netherlands.
Loving your job is essential!!!!❤🌹🌷
Lets share the flower power and become a professional flower designer!!!
Apply: →☆
See you Saturday 26 February 10:30 to 12:00 !!!
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team; Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
プロフェッショナル ダッチフローラルアレンジャーになれるとしたら、あなたの夢がきっと叶います!!
今度の日曜日3/20 10:30から12:00 DFAオンラインフリーセミナーでは、オランダマスターフローラルデザイナー、ドリーン・ローリンのライブデモンストレーションもご覧いただけます。
1) DFAのフラワーデザインスキルがあれば、フラワーショップで働けます。
2) ブルーミスト ライセンス ディプロマ インストラクターになって、フラワーアレンジメントを教えることができます。
3) フラワーショップ、アトリエ、フラワーカフェをオープンすることもできます。
4) フリーランスデザイナーとして、フラワーイベントやブライダルの仕事、そしてデモンストレーションもできます。
5) オランダでマスターフローラルデザイナーにチャレンジすることもできます。
オンラインセミナーのお申し込みはこちらから → ☆
3/20 10:30 にお会いしましょう!

Thank you for the Flower Power
Dear Flower Lover,Did you missed the seminar? The Secrets of Dutch Flower Design?
This is what participants shared after the seminar:
# Thank you for the FLOWER POWER!!
# I Really enjoyed this Online seminar!!
# So Happy I could participate and ask direct questions to Dorien Sensei!!
Due to the great success we are going to repeat it:
The Secrets of Dutch Flower Arrangement, DFA online seminar & LIVE DEMONSTRATION by Dutch Mater Floral Designer Dorien Roling.
Broadcasting LIVE form Japan.
Language Japanese and English.
Please apply here → DFA free online seminar
26 February, Saturday from 10:30 to 12:00
I was so nervous for our first DFA online seminar 9 January.
Worry about if the online Zoom will work well.
If the Students can log in all ok?
And of course giveing a LIVE deomonstraion makes me nervous too!
But we did it !!! And we enjoyed it !!!
Looking forward seeing you in our next seminar online 26 February, Saturday frofm 10:30 to 12:00.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design Team* Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
オランダのフラワーデザインの秘密をお話ししたセミナーにご参加いただけましたか? セミナー後にいただいたコメントをご紹介します。
大好評にお応えして、 オランダのフラワーデザインの秘密: DFAオンラインセミナー&オランダ・マスターフローラルデザイナー、ドリーン・ローリンによるライブデモンストレーションを2/26に行います。
日本からのライブ配信 言語は日本語と英語
お申し込みはこちらからお願いします。→ DFA free online seminar
2022年2月26日(sat)10:30 – 12:00
Zoomはちゃんと動くかしら? 参加者がログインできるかな? そして、オンラインライブデモンストーレション!!うまくできるかな?? 心配ばかりでした。
2月26日(sat)10:30 – 12:00 でもたくさんの方にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。

Flower dreams and DFA diploma!
Dear Flower Lover,What can I do with the Dutch Flower Arrangement diploma in Tokyo ?
Do you love to share your flower passion to your friends and future students?
Are you dreaming to become a flower instructor?
Flowers in your room gives you a peaceful, happy feeling, especially when you come home from a busy day at work.
Creating beautiful flower arrangements is like nutrition for your soul.
This feeling you want your friends also to experience. Flower Power is so essential for releasing your stress and enjoy the flower power.
When you have the title: Dutch Floral Arranger you can become a Bloemist License Instructor.
Last Sunday we celebrate the 1st anniversary with 11 Bloemist License Instructors in front of Tokyo station (same architecture as Amsterdam central station). On the table we displayed 12 beautiful flower cone in Christmas colors, and wear a flower wristlet. A great way to come together and discus the arrangements with a question and answer session while enjoying delicious food.
You can have a license as well and start teaching with you DFA diploma.
Why you don’t start DFA with the online video lesson step by step tutorials with text 📚 books. Prepare yourself for the examination in 2023.
See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) Have a look in the Bloemist License textbook with 16 beautiful design step by step and full color book – order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop
DFAはオンラインビデオレッスンで学ぶことができます。step by stepのテキストブックもついています。2023年のDFA試験に向けて準備が始められます。 See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) ブルーミストライセンセうテキストブック:16デザインの作り方掲載、フルカラーブックです。ドリーンフラワーデザイン オンラインショップで購入できます。
order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop

Dear Flower Lover,At the age of 16 I started study Dutch Flower Arrangements.
I loved the smell of the flowers, the colors, the shapes and was very eager to learn making bridal bouquets, corsages, hand tied bouquet, church arrangements, funeral arrangements and so on. I was very lucky to have very passionate teachers. Especially technique I love.
Beside the 4 basic designs in the examination there is one free design. I choose a wall decoration, where I made the foundation from wood 1.7 m tall. This Dutch Flower Arrangement course and examination you can take in The Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan by one of the license schools. I have the most beautiful job in the world and still love to challenge myself creating new design, different color combinations and techniques.
If you Love flowers like me, please check out my free shoulder corsage video on our HP. We have 26 DFA videos step by step and 26 textbooks where you can check by yourself the technique and design. Language: English, Japanese and Chinese. The new DFA Blend course will start 6 March 2022. We love to hear from you if you have any question.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love form Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
このダッチフラワーアレンジメントコースは、オランダの他に、日本、韓国、香港、台湾などのライセンス校で受験することができます。 私は自分の仕事が楽しくて誇りを持っています。そして未だに新しいデザインを創り出すこと、カラーコンビネーション、テクニックにチャレンジしています。

Postponed & FLOWER POWER
Dear Flower LoverI was so proud to announce that we have 20 students + our DPFD Dutch Professional Floral Design Association members to celebrate 🎉 our (A)DFA Diploma ceremony at the Netherlands 🇳🇱 embassy 14 April …..
But because of the corona virus they can only allow events with max 10 people ……till end of April 2020.
We will postpone our ceremony and hope the virus will calm down soon.
In the Netherlands all schools, restaurant, hairdressers end so on are closed.
Flower shops are very busy to deliver flowers- Dutch people love flowers what gives a relaxed atmosphere.
Let’s enjoy the ❤️ quiet moment ❤️connect with your friends moments ❤️Inside dialogue moment ❤️Let’s send out loving energy to all who suffer from this corona virus❤️.
Let’s focus on what we can do today, what can you do today?
Relax, Smile & Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love 💕 Dorien Röling Flower Power Team 🌷🌹❤️

2020 ADFA/DFA 試験合格おめでとうございます!
2020年2月16日 世田谷市場会議室にて、オランダ国家認定資格ADFA/DFA試験を行いました。ADFA 2名 合格
DFA 5名 合格
2020 ADFA/DFA 試験 FB Photo Album
3/14 (sat) DFAオープンスクール
3/15 (sun) ADFAオープンスクール
3/1 (sun) ブルーミストインストラクター1dayレッスン

Tools 1.
Dear Flower LoverGood tools are essential and a pleasure for us professional Flower Designers to use;
1) Wire cutter
Especially used for cutting a bunch of wires while making a bridal bouquet wire technique.
Point: Cut the wire handle on the preferable length while making the bouquet- this makes it easier to cut the thick wires.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love 💕 Dorien Röling Flower Power Team🌹🇳🇱❤️