ディプロマ DFA1(40件中 / 10件)
Speed Skating, Flower Arrangement and Holland Lover‼︎
Dear Flower LoverShe was standing…and watching our flower arrangement booth. She looked slightly different….
“Who is that young lady standing there?”
I asked ….Hata sensei.
“I don’t know.” she replied.
That was our first meeting with the speed skating and flower arrangement loving lady.
Her name was Yoshimura Naho san and she visited the Netherlands several times to watch speed skating races. During that she got interested in Dutch flower arrangement and the Netherlands itself. She started to take lessons at Dorien Flower Design and passed the Dutch Flower Arrangement exam.
With this diploma she was ready to make her own bouquet for her wedding in the Netherlands in May 2019.
After the DFA graduation ceremony at the Dutch embassy she followed her dream and moved from Tokyo to the Netherlands. While working at a Japanese food company she continued studying flower arrangement in Diny’s flower shop in Gouda.
Yoshimura san kept following her dreams…
And her dream story didn’t end there, they are expecting…
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling Flower Passion Team.🇳🇱🌹

DFA Examination & DFA Open Lesson
Dear Flower Lover河津桜, 河津桜, 河津桜 beautiful河津桜!!!
Do you also love 河津桜 so much? 梅の花の香りも大好きですよね。
I can’t stop taking photos of this beautiful nature flower explosion. 元気Flower Power!!
The new graduate Dutch Flower Arrangers where very very happy with passing the DFA examination last month.
Yes already for 25 Years;
You can study Dutch Flower Arrangement in Japan &
Yes you can take the international DFA examination in Tokyo or Amsterdam, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto 😉 &
Yes you can start today with the brand new ON-LINE lesson &
Yes we are going to celebrate this success with all the brand new Dutch Floral Designers & celebrate our 25 th anniversary at the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo this April enjoying the Tulips in full bloom.
Do your like to learn the best technique and beautiful Dutch Flower Arrangement is this what you are dreaming off?
Welcome to join our Open lesson day DFA Dutch Flower Arrangement in our atelier in Yokohama.
I love teaching and meeting you, come a feel, see and smell if this is what makes you happy!
Dates open lesson below;
オープンレッスン DFA 2019;
1日―2レッスン 10;00 – 16;00
• March 23 Saturday
• May 19 Sunday
• June 6 Sunday
• July 7 Sunday
• September 22 Sunday
• October 12 Saturday
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling
東京、アムステルダム、大阪、神戸、京都でオランダの国際ライセンス DFAを受験できます。
1日2レッスン 10::00 – 16:00 3/23 (土)
5/19 (日)
6/6 (日)
7/7 (日)
9/22 (日)

DFA Online Video Lesson
Dear Flower LoverYes our Dorien team did it!!!
I am so grateful!! Now you can study Dutch flower arrangement at your own location.
We launched our ON-LINE video lesson. 26 Dutch Flower Arrangement videos where I demonstrate each arrangement step by step.
Beside the videos you can download your digital textbook. Color photos and illustration step by step how to make it.
You can start today, get your flowers, watch the video, and use your digital textbook on your PC, iPad, iPhone or smart phone.
After finish your arrangement you can check you arrangement according the Technique check list, and Design check list. After completed the arrangements you can get the Dutch Flower Arrangement Certificate by Dorien Flower Design.
I am so excited about this ON-LINE video lesson, what is in Japanese and English. I cannot wait to welcome you to our close FB group where you can ask your questions and post your photos.
Question from my student;
1) Can I download this PDF textbooks only one time? No you can download the PDF files 365 days.
2) Beside downloading the textbooks on my PC can I also watch this on my iPad and iPhone? Yes you can watch on I-pad, I-phone.
3) Do I need the certificate before I participate in the DFA open examination? No, you can join the open DFA examination without the certificate.
4) How long can I see the videos? The videos you can see 365 days any time as much as you like.
Try it out – if this is what you are waited for; FREE Shoulder corsage video https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love Dorien Roling
1) PDFテクストブックのダウンロードは1回のみですか? 1年間365日、何度でもダウンロードしていただけます。
2) PCだけでなく、タブレットやスマートフォンでもテクストブックはダウンロードできますか?見ることができますか? はい、できます。
3) DFAのオープン受験前に、オンラインビデオレッスン修了証が必要ですか? いいえ。修了証がなくてもオープン受験していただけます。
4) ビデオ視聴はどれくらいできますか? 1年間365日見放題です。
オンラインビデオレッスンのうちの1つ ショルダーコサージュの動画がフリーで視聴いただけます。
是非ご視聴ください。 https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp

Flowers & video message
Dear Flower LoverTokyo & Amsterdam 10.000 km. between us.
She LOVES flowers and that is easy to arrange for me.
My florist friend make a flower bouquet with my mothers favorite flowers.
She deliver them, and instead of the message card I make a video message.
So my mother get fresh flowers and a short video. What a great way to make her happy!
Flower power makes people happy.
Do you like to study Dutch Flower Arrangement?
Last call for our OPEN LESSON day 16 June.
In the morning I will show you what kind of beautiful flower design you are going to master, and in the afternoon you will make a hand tied bouquet . Welcome to join !!
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love Dorien.

Dear Flower loverTime for celebrating from YOU CAN DO IT to YOU DID IT !!!
The Dutch Flower Arrangement examination is not easy, technique, design and the time limit need a lot of practice to succeed this examination.
All the new fresh Dutch Flower Arrangers and the Advance Dutch Flower Arrangers got their Diploma from agriculture counselor Dr.Evert Jan Krajenbrink at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo 10 April.
The students are so happy and I am so proud of them. One year study and a lot of homework – 100% passed !!
Since 1994 we organize the professional Dutch Flower Arrangement examination in Tokyo.
This diploma is recognized by the Netherlands government and the VBW national florist organization.
The next step can be our Advance DFA course and or join the EFDA Instructor course what I HIGHLY RECOMMEND if you are a teacher!!
You are welcome to join our newly Dutch Flower Arrangement course in our Yokohama atelier on June 16 DFA OPEN SCHOOL.
For info; http://dorien-flowerdesign.jp or e-mail; info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp or call; 090-4028-1427 Dorien.
Lets enjoy the flower power and learn new techniques and designs. Looking forwards seeing you in our atelier.
Love Dorien Roling

His camera is coming so very close to my arrangement!!
Are you too enjoying the Sakura petals dancing in the air, it gives me butterfly feelings in my belly.😃Last Saturday 31 March we took the last 2 arrangements videos 🙂 🙂 :)now Shimizu san is working with full power on editing and I am writing the text documents. This will be in English and Japanese.
I hope this videos will help you to make beautiful DFA arrangement by your self. I will ad a self check list so that you can evaluate your own arrangement.
You cant wait to see it I know >FROM 1 OCTOBER 2018 it will be ON-LINE.😃 Taking step by step photos of flower arrangement for my books is something total different then taking video!!!!
The video camera man has to do booth and taking video from all angles ..(his camera is coming so so so very very VERY close to me and my arrangement….) and he has to take step by step photos for the text documents.
I am very impressed by the skills of my just graduated fresh video camera man and director. This very exciting video project needs a great team spirit Hata Atsuko sensei EFDA DFA INSTRUCTOR was the director of the video project and closely watch each video shot from Tsuchiya Shodo kun – what is important and where to focus.
Standing up 4;00 am buying flowers at the flower auction market in Tokyo, driving to the atelier and put all the flowers in water with Chrysal. We love to take care of top quality flowers and make top quality DFA arrangement.
All the arrangement are exact as in the matrix of the international DFA examination, ready to put in the examination room be judged. 😃 and get 10 points!!?? We have a great job working with FRESH FLOWERS.
I am feeling blessed to be able to work with my great video crew.
As you can not wait to see the first video I can not wait to hear your comments!!! Will be continued.
Enjoy the Sakura dance !!! Love from Dorien

DFA オープンレッスン

DFA & ADFA Examination 2018
Dear Flower LoverYou can do it became YOU DID IT ‼️
CONGRATULATIONS to all DFA & ADFA students. 💯 % students passed the examination ‼️
It is top sport to take this examination like the Olympic, making all arrangement in time.
They practice a lot and passed the examination ‼️
We will celebrate this at the Netherlands embassy receiving the international DFA & ADFA diploma and enjoying luncheon together.
Dreams came true, I am so proud of the students.
Next steps can be for the DFA students Advanced DFA and or DFA 2 theory examination, about colors, art history, Latin names, and calculating. For the ADFA graduates study EFDA Instructor course will be great to get the official EFDA INSTRUCTOR diploma.
Keep studying and challenge yourself is a key element to keep 😃 happy‼️
Let’s enjoy keep sharing and study flower arrangement ‼️
Love Dorien

Dear Flower LoverWhat can you learn from the Olympic SPEED SKATING technique?
Participate in the Dutch Flower Arrangement examination is also TOP SPORT.
Without practicing you can’t succeed.
In the flower shop: time is money so speed-up needs serious training.
When you can succeed within the examination time and your design and technique are good then you are ready for the examination.
Here 15 tips how you can speed up your time ;
1) Practice one item every day – for 5 days
2) Organize your working space &table.
3) Know by heart what you have to make
4) Think very smart where and how you can work and speed up in detail
5) You favorite tools should be in top condition
6) All your tools, wire stand and Turn table close by.
7) Focus -Tune in and image your arrangement
8) Make drawing/ sketches of your arrangement
9) Take video while your are making and ask you teacher for advice to speed up.
10) Take photos of each arrangement and see the progress
11) Use timer each time and make record – even time is up >finish your arrangement.
12) Write down your time record in your work book beside the photos.
13) Enjoy the process and your progress.
14) Celebrate each time you made progress🎉🎊.
15) Select the best teacher/ coach to reach your goal.
Success !!
Love Dorien

Dear flower loverEXAMINATION 🇳🇱🙏🇳🇱🙏 DFA & ADFA Students training and lesson are coming to a end.
Our annual Dutch Flower Arrangement examination will be held in Tokyo Setagaya flower auction market on 25 February 2018.
10 SECRETS for a successful EXAMINATION:
1) MINDSET: Yes You Can Do It!!!!🏅
2) Practice & Practice & Practice.
4) Tune In & Imagine.
5) You & your tools in top condition.
6) Breath-in and out.
7) Take some distance to see to total layout.
8) Finish each arrangement before starting the next arrangement.
9) Read the bescription very careful.
10) Give water to your arrangement & and Drink water yourself !!
I wish all students will pass the DFA & ADFA examination!!!
Success YES YOU CAN DO IT !!