His camera is coming so very close to my arrangement!!
Are you too enjoying the Sakura petals dancing in the air, it gives me butterfly feelings in my belly.😃Last Saturday 31 March we took the last 2 arrangements videos 🙂 🙂 :)now Shimizu san is working with full power on editing and I am writing the text documents. This will be in English and Japanese.
I hope this videos will help you to make beautiful DFA arrangement by your self. I will ad a self check list so that you can evaluate your own arrangement.
You cant wait to see it I know >FROM 1 OCTOBER 2018 it will be ON-LINE.😃 Taking step by step photos of flower arrangement for my books is something total different then taking video!!!!
The video camera man has to do booth and taking video from all angles ..(his camera is coming so so so very very VERY close to me and my arrangement….) and he has to take step by step photos for the text documents.
I am very impressed by the skills of my just graduated fresh video camera man and director. This very exciting video project needs a great team spirit Hata Atsuko sensei EFDA DFA INSTRUCTOR was the director of the video project and closely watch each video shot from Tsuchiya Shodo kun – what is important and where to focus.
Standing up 4;00 am buying flowers at the flower auction market in Tokyo, driving to the atelier and put all the flowers in water with Chrysal. We love to take care of top quality flowers and make top quality DFA arrangement.
All the arrangement are exact as in the matrix of the international DFA examination, ready to put in the examination room be judged. 😃 and get 10 points!!?? We have a great job working with FRESH FLOWERS.
I am feeling blessed to be able to work with my great video crew.
As you can not wait to see the first video I can not wait to hear your comments!!! Will be continued.
Enjoy the Sakura dance !!! Love from Dorien

【ディプロマ ADFA1】

【ディプロマ DFA1】
DFA オープンレッスン

Dear Flower LoverWhooo Whooo Whooo Japan is HEAVEN now with all the FULLY BLOOMING PINK SAKURA trees !!!
And the temperature is so NICE with 25 degree, the energy and the fragrance whooo whooo whooo, this feels like HEAVEN!!!
All the kids are playing in the park and having BBQ, I could see many people making beautiful paintings of the pink Sakura trees.
Everybody looks so happy and that makes me HAPPY TOO.
p.s. Dorien Trendy workshops till summer are fully booked only one seat is still available, April 15 Sunday from 10;00 to 17;00.
You are going to make a trendy frame bouquet with Fresh flower in a special circle technique and in the afternoon a two in one design with 2 Dutch Trendy vases on one plate.
Lets enjoy and creating the flower powered designs & eating a fabulous home made luncheon in the atelier garden. Max 8 students.
Shall we meet on 15 April? One seat left first come first served; call for reservation . 090-4028-1427 Dorien or 090-1660-4899 Hata.

【ダッチ プロフェッショナル フローラルデザイン協会】
EFDA Teachers day 2018
2月28日、EFDA Teachers dayが世田谷市場で行われました。ライセンス校のインストラクター、EFDA DFA1インストラクター、DFA1有資格者でDFA1の指導に興味のある方が集まり、審査方法についての勉強会でした。

【ダッチ プロフェッショナル フローラルデザイン協会】
DPFD ミーティング

Please come again🙏🇯🇵❤
Dear flower lover,Smiling kids is the biggest reward you can get!!
Especially from the children who experienced the earthquake & tsunami in 2011 March 11.
Please come again 🙏 asked principle Mrs.Kajiya sensei after our first warm heart project.
The kids went school after this tragedy crying every day, but the flower power put a smile on their face again.
2011~2018 ❤️ 18 times we shared the flower power in Onagawa villages Tohoku, Japan.
The flower power also healed myself after feeling and seeing so much grief and sorrow.
My mother sended me 500 beautiful drawings from the children in Gouda, and my friend Jotika Hermsen from Sangha Metta Amsterdam sended me donations-this was the start of our warm heart project.
It was not always easy and cried a lot myself, but I learned a lot.
After food and a place to sleep mental care is a big issue.
Warm heart project created warm hearts ❤️ and many great friendships.
We finalized our project and like to thank you for your support and all the donations, together we could realize this beautiful project.
Togetherness and caring for each other makes all our hearts warm.
Thank you very much🙏🇳🇱❤️🇯🇵 For all the photos, videos and rapport please look on FB- http://www.facebook.com/ATATAKAIKOKORO
Love from our warm heart project members !!
Dorien Röling.

【ディプロマ 試験】
DFA & ADFA Examination 2018
Dear Flower LoverYou can do it became YOU DID IT ‼️
CONGRATULATIONS to all DFA & ADFA students. 💯 % students passed the examination ‼️
It is top sport to take this examination like the Olympic, making all arrangement in time.
They practice a lot and passed the examination ‼️
We will celebrate this at the Netherlands embassy receiving the international DFA & ADFA diploma and enjoying luncheon together.
Dreams came true, I am so proud of the students.
Next steps can be for the DFA students Advanced DFA and or DFA 2 theory examination, about colors, art history, Latin names, and calculating. For the ADFA graduates study EFDA Instructor course will be great to get the official EFDA INSTRUCTOR diploma.
Keep studying and challenge yourself is a key element to keep 😃 happy‼️
Let’s enjoy keep sharing and study flower arrangement ‼️
Love Dorien

【ディプロマ 試験】
Dear Flower LoverWhat can you learn from the Olympic SPEED SKATING technique?
Participate in the Dutch Flower Arrangement examination is also TOP SPORT.
Without practicing you can’t succeed.
In the flower shop: time is money so speed-up needs serious training.
When you can succeed within the examination time and your design and technique are good then you are ready for the examination.
Here 15 tips how you can speed up your time ;
1) Practice one item every day – for 5 days
2) Organize your working space &table.
3) Know by heart what you have to make
4) Think very smart where and how you can work and speed up in detail
5) You favorite tools should be in top condition
6) All your tools, wire stand and Turn table close by.
7) Focus -Tune in and image your arrangement
8) Make drawing/ sketches of your arrangement
9) Take video while your are making and ask you teacher for advice to speed up.
10) Take photos of each arrangement and see the progress
11) Use timer each time and make record – even time is up >finish your arrangement.
12) Write down your time record in your work book beside the photos.
13) Enjoy the process and your progress.
14) Celebrate each time you made progress🎉🎊.
15) Select the best teacher/ coach to reach your goal.
Success !!
Love Dorien

【ディプロマ 試験】
Dear flower loverEXAMINATION 🇳🇱🙏🇳🇱🙏 DFA & ADFA Students training and lesson are coming to a end.
Our annual Dutch Flower Arrangement examination will be held in Tokyo Setagaya flower auction market on 25 February 2018.
10 SECRETS for a successful EXAMINATION:
1) MINDSET: Yes You Can Do It!!!!🏅
2) Practice & Practice & Practice.
4) Tune In & Imagine.
5) You & your tools in top condition.
6) Breath-in and out.
7) Take some distance to see to total layout.
8) Finish each arrangement before starting the next arrangement.
9) Read the bescription very careful.
10) Give water to your arrangement & and Drink water yourself !!
I wish all students will pass the DFA & ADFA examination!!!
Success YES YOU CAN DO IT !!