【ディプロマ ADFA1】
ADFA Examination 2022
Dear Flower Lover,3:55 am my alarm bell goes off.
I jump out of bed it’s still dark.
Going to the Flower Auction Market in Setagaya, Tokyo.
I love the flower power energy and meet all florist and teachers early in the morning.
The students becoming nervous because of the upcoming ADFA examination. 13 February 2022.
2 years they came to the atelier and study ADFA, make home work, mood boards and so on.
We had the last ADFA lesson last weekend before the examination.
Buying so many flowers and hoping that we can celebrate all together their successful examination!
Keep my fingers crossed 🤞and ask our angels to help with some luck 🍀.
Breathing in and breathing out!
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
2/13 のADFA/DFAの試験が近づいているので、生徒さんたちナーバスになってくる頃。

【ディプロマ DFA1】
Thank you for the Flower Power
Dear Flower Lover,Did you missed the seminar? The Secrets of Dutch Flower Design?
This is what participants shared after the seminar:
# Thank you for the FLOWER POWER!!
# I Really enjoyed this Online seminar!!
# So Happy I could participate and ask direct questions to Dorien Sensei!!
Due to the great success we are going to repeat it:
The Secrets of Dutch Flower Arrangement, DFA online seminar & LIVE DEMONSTRATION by Dutch Mater Floral Designer Dorien Roling.
Broadcasting LIVE form Japan.
Language Japanese and English.
Please apply here → DFA free online seminar
26 February, Saturday from 10:30 to 12:00
I was so nervous for our first DFA online seminar 9 January.
Worry about if the online Zoom will work well.
If the Students can log in all ok?
And of course giveing a LIVE deomonstraion makes me nervous too!
But we did it !!! And we enjoyed it !!!
Looking forward seeing you in our next seminar online 26 February, Saturday frofm 10:30 to 12:00.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design Team* Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
オランダのフラワーデザインの秘密をお話ししたセミナーにご参加いただけましたか? セミナー後にいただいたコメントをご紹介します。
大好評にお応えして、 オランダのフラワーデザインの秘密: DFAオンラインセミナー&オランダ・マスターフローラルデザイナー、ドリーン・ローリンによるライブデモンストレーションを2/26に行います。
日本からのライブ配信 言語は日本語と英語
お申し込みはこちらからお願いします。→ DFA free online seminar
2022年2月26日(sat)10:30 – 12:00
Zoomはちゃんと動くかしら? 参加者がログインできるかな? そして、オンラインライブデモンストーレション!!うまくできるかな?? 心配ばかりでした。
2月26日(sat)10:30 – 12:00 でもたくさんの方にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。

【Online Lesson】
3 times lucky in Japan.
Dear Flower Lover,I wish you a happy healthy Flower Powered 2022!!!
4 January 1990 exactly 32 years ago I came to Japan. Felt “HOME” right away, and I am still love living here. Luckily Japanese people;
LOVE the Netherlands
LOVE Dutch people
LOVE FLOWERS especially Tulips
I feel blessed that I am a master floral designer and that I can share my flower passion.
My dream for 2022 is to help realizing my students dream to work with fresh flowers, to become professional flower designers. That’s why we are offering more online workshops and videos.
Are you ready to realize your flower dream? Then I invite you to my online free seminar coming Sunday 9 January.
Detail: http://dorien-flowerdesign.jp
Love to see you Sunday!!
Great love from Dorien Flower Design: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling
詳しくはHPをご覧ください。→ http://dorien-flowerdesign.jp

How do you keep this flowers fresh?
Dear Flower Lover,How do you keep this flowers fresh?
You use cold glue technique?
This questions I got from a German lady who loved my shoulder corsage.
3 magic tips to keep your corsage flowers fresh even without water supply for several days.
1) Before start making the corsage be sure the Flowers got fully water uptake.
2) Spray the flowers with a special coating spray, then start to create the corsage.
3) After finish the corsage spray lightly with the coating spray. (too much spray will influence the cold glue job)
I use Smithers- Oasis finishing touch or Chrysal Professional Glory for all my fresh flower designs to keep them in top condition.
You can buy this at the auction Flower market or ask your local florist.
Let’s enjoy the fresh flowers as long as possible.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design, Dorien Röling
Free online video lesson- shoulder corsage click here.
1) コサージュを作る前に、お花はしっかりと水揚げすること。
2) お花にたっぷりフローラルミスト(花に特別なコーティングをする)をスプレーして、コサージュを作り始める。
3) コサージュが出来上がった後は、フローラルミストを軽くスプレーする。(フローラルミストをたくさんスプレーすると、コールドグルーがはがれてしまうことがあるため)
私はいつも、スミザーズオアシスのオアシス フィニッシングタッチか、クリザールのプロフェッショナルグローリーを使っています。
フリーオンラインビデオレッスン ショルダーコサージュはこちらからご試聴いただけます。

【ドリーン・トレンディ ワークショップ】
Welcome Christmas – 7 steps creating a new design / ウェルカムクリスマスー新しいデザインを作るまでの7ステップ
Dear flower lover,Welcome Christmas design for my Trendy workshop last weekend.
You and me are so lucky to be able to create with fresh flowers.
My 7 steps creating a new design:
Step 1) Imagine: where you like to decorate on the wall or table.., colors, shape, and start make drawings.
Sept 2) Go shopping to collect all the materials. Frame, Christmas goods etc..
Step 3) Early in the morning go to the flower auction market, select beautiful flowers and check the color combinations, so fun with so many choices!
Step 4)Remove all the leafs till the water level, cut 5 cm. and place in clean water with cut flower food.
Step 5) Put all the materials around me on the clean table.
Step 6) Connect with my inner self, relax, feel free and focus focus focus with smile.
Step 7) Start designing in clear day light not direct sunlight. And with peaceful music on the background.
And for me eat some kaki fruit and drink chamomile tea between. Your total state of being is at peace. With a hungry stomach I can’t focus.
When I start designing I am in a kind of state….no thinking but creating, and that feels so nice!!!!!
This design in the frame gives me a kind of safe feeling. The horizontal lines is a imagination of the Netherlands (We have no mountains). The Christmas stars are all over and moving all around us.
If I feel YES after complete the design then all is happy. Time for photo shooting.
I hope you feel inspired and will also will make a Christmas design in a frame, love to see yours.
Great love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
日曜日のトレンディーワークショップのデザイン、Welcome Christmas。
Step 1) イメージする:壁に飾りたいのかテーブルに置きたいのか…色や形を絵に書いてみる。
Step 2) 材料の調達、フレーム、クリスマスグッズなど。
Step 3) 早朝花市場でお花を選ぶ。色の組み合わせなどを選ぶとき、チョイスがたくさんあってすごく楽しいです。
Step 4) 買ってきたお花の水揚げ。葉の処理をして、5cmくらいカット、フラワーフードを入れた清潔な水にいれ、冷暗所にお花をおきます。
Step 5) 作業テーブルに材料をすべておきます。
Step 6) リラックスする、頭をからにする、スマイルを忘れずに、自分自身に問いかける。
Step 7) 好きな音楽をききながら、直射日光をさけ、デイライトの下で制作スタート。

【ディプロマ Bloemist License】
Christmas 🎄 Floral Cone
Dear Flower LoverYou love to celebration Christmas with a nice dinner in your house.
Decorate a beautiful Christmas Floral Cone on the dinner table.
This year you like to make a Christmas Floral Cone with mainly fresh materials.
You wonder how and what kind of fresh green and flowers are suitable?
What kind of dish, how to fix the floral foam, how to create a elegant shape cone?
All this questions and more you can find in our new BLOEMIST LICENSE TEXTBOOK 📕.
Full color and step by step. With the material lists and important points to create your most beautiful Christmas Flower Cone for Christmas 🎄 2021
Great love to you from Dorien Flower Design Team: Atsuko Hata & Dorien Roling.
Ps 1) please go to Dorien Flower Design Online Shop
Ps 2) On December 18 you can join the Bloemist License Lesson in our atelier. Please apply by info@dorien-flowerdesign.jp
このような質問は、ブルーミストライセンステキストブックをご覧いただければ、すべてわかっちゃいます。フルカラーでstep by stepの写真もあります。そして、材料リストや、どんなことに気をつければ良いのかもすべて載っています。2021年のクリスマスは、是非クリスマスフローラルコーンを作ってみてください。
Great love to you from Dorien Flower Design Team: Atsuko Hata & Dorien Roling.
ps1) ブルーミストライセンス テキストブックは、ドリーンフラワーデザインオンラインショップで購入できます。
ps2) 12月18日(土)アトリエでフローラルコーンのレッスンを行います。お申し込みお問い合わせは、info@dorien-flowerdesign.jpまでお気軽にどうぞ。

【ディプロマ DFA1】
Flower dreams and DFA diploma!
Dear Flower Lover,What can I do with the Dutch Flower Arrangement diploma in Tokyo ?
Do you love to share your flower passion to your friends and future students?
Are you dreaming to become a flower instructor?
Flowers in your room gives you a peaceful, happy feeling, especially when you come home from a busy day at work.
Creating beautiful flower arrangements is like nutrition for your soul.
This feeling you want your friends also to experience. Flower Power is so essential for releasing your stress and enjoy the flower power.
When you have the title: Dutch Floral Arranger you can become a Bloemist License Instructor.
Last Sunday we celebrate the 1st anniversary with 11 Bloemist License Instructors in front of Tokyo station (same architecture as Amsterdam central station). On the table we displayed 12 beautiful flower cone in Christmas colors, and wear a flower wristlet. A great way to come together and discus the arrangements with a question and answer session while enjoying delicious food.
You can have a license as well and start teaching with you DFA diploma.
Why you don’t start DFA with the online video lesson step by step tutorials with text 📚 books. Prepare yourself for the examination in 2023.
See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) Have a look in the Bloemist License textbook with 16 beautiful design step by step and full color book – order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop
DFAはオンラインビデオレッスンで学ぶことができます。step by stepのテキストブックもついています。2023年のDFA試験に向けて準備が始められます。 See link….Dorien Flower Design Online Video Lesson
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
ps) ブルーミストライセンセうテキストブック:16デザインの作り方掲載、フルカラーブックです。ドリーンフラワーデザイン オンラインショップで購入できます。
order now → Bloemist License Textbook Dorien Flower Design Online shop

Wreaths, Wreaths and Wreaths.
Dear Flower Lover,Wreaths, Wreaths and Wreaths I love wreaths especially with Christmas on my door.
Here 3 different wreaths and their foundation.
1) Wreaths hanging on the door: made from straw, natural vines or iron rings.
2) Wreaths for on the table: in a ceramic wreath, floral foam, iron ring, natural branches.
3) Wreaths hanging from the ceiling: foundation made of straw, iron ring, natural branches.
Christmas table wreaths with candles are very nice to display on the table. In the Netherlands we love to lit candles especially when it is dark and cold outside.
Christmas wreath with 4 big candles hanging from the ceiling is used in the Catholic churches. A candle is lit on each of the four Sundays preceding Christmas, 28 November, 5,12,19 December. Christmas day all candles are lighted again to celebrate Christmas.
Which Wreath do you love to make? Please let me know.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design team: Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.
Ps 1) In the Netherlands we don’t have mountains – no earth quicks so it’s safe to use candles.
Ps 2) Please watch our YouTube Channel for flower power inspiration.
1) ドアに飾るリース: 藁の土台、つる、アイアンリングなど
2) テーブルリース: 陶器のリースベース、フローラルフォーム、アイアンリング、つるや枝など
3) 天井から吊るすリース:藁の土台、アイアンリング、つるや枝など
ドリーンフラワーデザインのクリスマスリースレッスンは12/4 (sat) 10:00-12:00です。残席1となっております。お早めのお申し込みお待ちしています。(画像はイメージです)
Ps 1) オランダには山がありません。だから地震もないのでキャンドルを灯しても大丈夫。
Ps 2) フラワーパワーインスピレーションのために、ドリーンフラワーデザインYouTubeチャンネルをご覧ください!
Dorien Flower Design YouTube Channel

【ドリーン・トレンディ ワークショップ】
Dear Flower Lover,,
How wonderfull it is to be able to explain your feeling via flower design.,
On our newest YouTube turtorial I made a flower pallet, like a living art on the wall.,
Every week I place new flowers in the tubes after cleaning them and put fresh water with flower food.,
Please have a look and make one flower pallet by yourself, place your photo on our FB, I love to see your creations!,
YouTube Flower Pallet
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.,
Great Love from Dorien Flower Design Team, Atsuko Hata and Dorien Roling.,
YouTube Flower Pallet

How do you keep the Roses fresh?
How do you keep the flowers and especially the Roses fresh?Marie-Jose from the Netherlands asked me.
This type is new for me, I love to make this bridal bouquet for my daughters wedding she wrote.
The 7 important points for a hand tied bridal bouquet:
1) After purchased the flowers, remove the leaves (no leaves in the water), cut the stems 3/5 cm. slanted and put them in water with cut flower food.
2) Place them in a cool dark place and if necessary wrap them with newspaper.
3) After a few hours you can start creating the bridal bouquet. One day before the wedding.
4) Keep the stems/ handle length minimum 10 cm.
5) On the wedding day fix ribbon around the stems and keep the underpart 5 cm free.
6) Spray the bouquet with coating mist to keep the flowers in top condition.
7) For transportation place the bouquet in an glass vase with jelly/water to keep them fresh.
Success making the bridal bouquet.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Great Love from Dorien Roling.
1) お花を買った後、葉を取り除く(水に入る部分には葉がないこと)、3-5cmステムを斜めにカットし、切り花栄養剤を入れた清潔な水に入れる。
2) 冷暗な場所に置き、必要であれば新聞紙を巻いておく。
3) 2-3時間後しっかり水があがったら、ブライダルブーケを束ねることができる。ウェディングの前日も可。
4) ブーケの持ち手は10cm以上で束ねる。
5) ウェディング当日、持ち手にリボンを巻き、リボンより下は5cm程茎がでるようにする。
6) フローラルミストをブーケにスプレーする。
7) ブーケを会場まで運ぶ際には、少しだけ水か補水ゼリーをいれたガラスベース などに入れておく。