【ディプロマ DFA1】
2020 ADFA/DFA 試験合格おめでとうございます!
2020年2月16日 世田谷市場会議室にて、オランダ国家認定資格ADFA/DFA試験を行いました。ADFA 2名 合格
DFA 5名 合格
2020 ADFA/DFA 試験 FB Photo Album
3/14 (sat) DFAオープンスクール
3/15 (sun) ADFAオープンスクール
3/1 (sun) ブルーミストインストラクター1dayレッスン

Tools 1.
Dear Flower LoverGood tools are essential and a pleasure for us professional Flower Designers to use;
1) Wire cutter
Especially used for cutting a bunch of wires while making a bridal bouquet wire technique.
Point: Cut the wire handle on the preferable length while making the bouquet- this makes it easier to cut the thick wires.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love 💕 Dorien Röling Flower Power Team🌹🇳🇱❤️

Marloes wedding bouquet
1) Where/ When to buy flowers?Two days before the wedding took place I bought the flowers at the Aalsmeers flower auction market.
2) How to treat them?
Placed the flowers in clean buckets, removed the leaves ( no leaves in the water to avoid bacteria grow) Wrapped the flowers in newspapers to help them water uptake. Placed them in a cool dark room for few hours.
3) How to start making the waterfall bouquet ?
Clean table and day light is essential for me. And a big mirror to check the waterfall bouquet outline from different view point. Clean the stems, remove the leaves till the binding point. Massage and trim the materials in a natural waterfall shape. Place layer over layer like a real waterfall.
4) How to bind the bouquet- rope/tape?
Spiral technique has one binding point – I used natural rope. Clear tape is also a good option to fix the binding point.
5) How to use ribbon – pins?
The handle I covert with ribbon – same color as her wedding dress and fixed it with 3 pins.
6) How width the ribbon handle should be?
The handle should be the size of the brides hand, in case she wear gloves – that should not become dirty.
7) How to keep the flowers fresh one day?
This is a hand tied bouquet what can be placed in water during the day, and I used special coating spray to keep the bouquet fresh for one day.
8) How to take a photo?
After finishing I always taking photos – very important for my own record – using daylight and one color background. And I asked Marloes if she can send me some professional photos that I can use on my SNS. Lucky 🍀 she did send me!!!

2019 Exposition Harvest Moon Party終了しました
2019年9月14,15,16日の3日間、横浜山手西洋館ベーリック・ホールで、作品展「Harvest Moon Party」を行いました。ダイニングルームのドリーン先生の装飾、今年は生徒さんの作品が30点出展され、ご来館いただいた皆様にオランダスタイルのフラワーアレンジメントを楽しんでいただけました。
Dorien Flower Design Facebook Page

【ディプロマ DFA1】
Speed Skating, Flower Arrangement and Holland Lover‼︎
Dear Flower LoverShe was standing…and watching our flower arrangement booth. She looked slightly different….
“Who is that young lady standing there?”
I asked ….Hata sensei.
“I don’t know.” she replied.
That was our first meeting with the speed skating and flower arrangement loving lady.
Her name was Yoshimura Naho san and she visited the Netherlands several times to watch speed skating races. During that she got interested in Dutch flower arrangement and the Netherlands itself. She started to take lessons at Dorien Flower Design and passed the Dutch Flower Arrangement exam.
With this diploma she was ready to make her own bouquet for her wedding in the Netherlands in May 2019.
After the DFA graduation ceremony at the Dutch embassy she followed her dream and moved from Tokyo to the Netherlands. While working at a Japanese food company she continued studying flower arrangement in Diny’s flower shop in Gouda.
Yoshimura san kept following her dreams…
And her dream story didn’t end there, they are expecting…
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling Flower Passion Team.🇳🇱🌹

【ディプロマ ADFA1】
Dear Flower LoverShe was so nervous just before her ADFA examination, she wrote me.
As Japanese young florist she moved from Tokyo to Amsterdam, just after she graduated the first step: DFA Dutch Floral Arranger by Dorien Flower Design School.
She couldn’t speak any word of Dutch, only a little bit English. It was very hard in the first 2 years especially the communication/ language to learn in Dutch, but she DID IT!!!!
Kubo san created her own flower business and is working 3 days a week in Den Haag by master florist Ms. Julia Bonte “Bloemen winkel de Iris”. Beside working she challenged the next step Advanced DFA by Elso Post Floral Academy and she wrote me – IK BEN GESLAAGD!!! ( I passed) I am so happy!!! Her big dream is to become a Dutch Master Florist, the next step is ARDFA. Coming 6 months she will focus on her Dutch language. Kubo san is living her dream and I am so proud of her!!! We wish her a lot of success !!! YOU CAN DO IT !! She knows.
PS 1) from Kubo san;
I think that I should have learned ADFA from you in Japan. Language problem was too much for me😂 After I know that I passed, I cried and can’t stop my tears. That was big challenge and I could grow up through ADFA training🍀
PS 2) . What is your dream? Are you enjoying what you are doing ? What little step can you take TODAY to reach to your dream? Sign up for music lesson? take your first flower arrangement lesson? visit a new city? read a great book?
Which little step will lead you closer to your dream life?
You deserve the best and only you can take this little step!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Love to hear from you ❤️.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling Flower Passion Team.🇳🇱🌹
久保さんはオランダで独自のフラワービジネスを起こし、デン・ハーグにあるマスターフローリスト Ms. Julia Bonteのショップ ”Bloemen winkel de Iris”で週に3日働いています。働きながら、Elso Post氏のFloral AcademyでADFAを勉強していました。そして彼女から「合格しました!!」と連絡が入り、私もとっても嬉しいです。
PS 1) 久保さんからのメッセージ
PS 2) あなたの夢は? 毎日楽しく過ごしていますか?毎日の小さな努力が夢へ近づく一歩になる。何か毎日していますか?音楽のレッスンに申し込んだり?はじめてフラワーアレンジメントのレッスンをしたり?新しい街に行ったり?素晴らしい本を読んだり?
画像は久保さんの試験作品 ルームデコレーション

【ディプロマ DFA1】
DFA Examination & DFA Open Lesson
Dear Flower Lover河津桜, 河津桜, 河津桜 beautiful河津桜!!!
Do you also love 河津桜 so much? 梅の花の香りも大好きですよね。
I can’t stop taking photos of this beautiful nature flower explosion. 元気Flower Power!!
The new graduate Dutch Flower Arrangers where very very happy with passing the DFA examination last month.
Yes already for 25 Years;
You can study Dutch Flower Arrangement in Japan &
Yes you can take the international DFA examination in Tokyo or Amsterdam, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto 😉 &
Yes you can start today with the brand new ON-LINE lesson &
Yes we are going to celebrate this success with all the brand new Dutch Floral Designers & celebrate our 25 th anniversary at the Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo this April enjoying the Tulips in full bloom.
Do your like to learn the best technique and beautiful Dutch Flower Arrangement is this what you are dreaming off?
Welcome to join our Open lesson day DFA Dutch Flower Arrangement in our atelier in Yokohama.
I love teaching and meeting you, come a feel, see and smell if this is what makes you happy!
Dates open lesson below;
オープンレッスン DFA 2019;
1日―2レッスン 10;00 – 16;00
• March 23 Saturday
• May 19 Sunday
• June 6 Sunday
• July 7 Sunday
• September 22 Sunday
• October 12 Saturday
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power
Love from Dorien Roling
東京、アムステルダム、大阪、神戸、京都でオランダの国際ライセンス DFAを受験できます。
1日2レッスン 10::00 – 16:00 3/23 (土)
5/19 (日)
6/6 (日)
7/7 (日)
9/22 (日)

Dorien’s 10 points about the Gerbera
Dear Flower LoverHow are you?
Dorien’s 10 points about the Gerbera;
1. Abundance of color choices like yellow, red, pink, purple, orange and so on. Only blue is not yet available.
2. Flower head sizes like mini, medium and large goes from 6 cm to 12 cm.
3. Varieties; beside the standard flowers, Gerbera pasta is really cool looks like pasta and the Gerbera gerrondo terra are beautiful filled flower.
4. Inexpensive compare with other flowers like Rosa and Dianthus.
5. Gerbera don’t need a lot of water, great to use in water tube.
6. Gerbera are growing a bit – when you use it in a compact hand tied bouquet with other flowers it will stick out the next day, just pull it back and cut the stems.
7. Treatment; after you bought the Gerbera at the flower market; – cut the stems 3 cm, wrap them straight up tightly in a newspaper (for minimum 1 hours) and place them in a clean vase with water and cut flower food. The water level in the vase can be approximately 5 cm. The stem has a hairy stem easy to be rotten.
8. Gerbera come originally from South Africa.
9. Gerbera are used as indoor& garden plants and cut flowers.
10.I use Gerbera in classic arrangement, free style arrangement and in my Trendy workshop.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love, Dorien Roling

Dutch Flower Arrangement Exposition
Dear Flower LoverCelebrate the Fragrance of the Roses 🌹
“Oooh what a nice smell here!!” smiled a visitor entering the room full with Fragrance Roses. She could feel the Flower power!
Food for our soul, blessing for our eyes and the fragrance Roses heaven for our nose!
How fortunate we are to be able to enjoy this paradise of fresh flowers!!!
For all our Dutch Floral Designers a great opportunity to practice and show their friend s& family their design Theme : bridal & fragrance Roses.
Big applause for all our Dutch Floral Designer for their participating and good maintenance of the fresh flowers.
Special thanks to The Netherlands embassy: Mr. Evert Jan Kraijenbrink for selecting the Embassy prices- 3 best Arrangement!!!
Let’s keep sharing our passion for flower to make ourselves and other people happy and smile! For photos please look ad our FB http://www.facebook.com/DorienFlowerDesign
We also have a special FB group only for Dutch Flower Design lovers; you are welcome to apply: Dutch Flower Arrangers Japan.
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love, Dorien Roling

【ディプロマ DFA1】
DFA Online Video Lesson
Dear Flower LoverYes our Dorien team did it!!!
I am so grateful!! Now you can study Dutch flower arrangement at your own location.
We launched our ON-LINE video lesson. 26 Dutch Flower Arrangement videos where I demonstrate each arrangement step by step.
Beside the videos you can download your digital textbook. Color photos and illustration step by step how to make it.
You can start today, get your flowers, watch the video, and use your digital textbook on your PC, iPad, iPhone or smart phone.
After finish your arrangement you can check you arrangement according the Technique check list, and Design check list. After completed the arrangements you can get the Dutch Flower Arrangement Certificate by Dorien Flower Design.
I am so excited about this ON-LINE video lesson, what is in Japanese and English. I cannot wait to welcome you to our close FB group where you can ask your questions and post your photos.
Question from my student;
1) Can I download this PDF textbooks only one time? No you can download the PDF files 365 days.
2) Beside downloading the textbooks on my PC can I also watch this on my iPad and iPhone? Yes you can watch on I-pad, I-phone.
3) Do I need the certificate before I participate in the DFA open examination? No, you can join the open DFA examination without the certificate.
4) How long can I see the videos? The videos you can see 365 days any time as much as you like.
Try it out – if this is what you are waited for; FREE Shoulder corsage video https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp
Relax, Smile and Enjoy the Flower Power.
Love Dorien Roling
1) PDFテクストブックのダウンロードは1回のみですか? 1年間365日、何度でもダウンロードしていただけます。
2) PCだけでなく、タブレットやスマートフォンでもテクストブックはダウンロードできますか?見ることができますか? はい、できます。
3) DFAのオープン受験前に、オンラインビデオレッスン修了証が必要ですか? いいえ。修了証がなくてもオープン受験していただけます。
4) ビデオ視聴はどれくらいできますか? 1年間365日見放題です。
オンラインビデオレッスンのうちの1つ ショルダーコサージュの動画がフリーで視聴いただけます。
是非ご視聴ください。 https://dorien-flowerdesign.jp